Advanced Usage

Looking around in the container

It's possible to start a shell in the container. Simply use this docker command:

docker run -v /path/to/shared-dir:/home/build/shared -i -t D-Programming-GDC/build-gdc /bin/bash

It's then possible to build toolchains by calling build-gdc in the shell. The container has gdb and nano pre-installed to ease debugging. For more information see the Internals documentation.

Building custom GDC code

It's possible to use this container to build GDC code which is not available in the official repository.

Building a revision once

If you simply want to build a different revision once, first start a shell in the container:

docker run -v /path/to/shared-dir:/home/build/shared -i -t D-Programming-GDC/build-gdc /bin/bash

Then change the directory to the GDC or build-gdc-config folder and add the remote repo:

cd GDC
git remote add jpf91

cd ../build-gdc-config
git remote add jpf91

The build-gdc tool always updates all repositories. So if you refer to a branch in your build command you'll always get the latest revision on that branch.

Now simply call build-gdc:

build-gdc build --toolchain=x86_64-w64-mingw32/gcc-4.9/arm-gdcproject-linux-gnueabihf --config-revision=jpf91/master --revision=V4_9:jpf91/gdc-4.9

All changes in the docker container are transient. As soon as you exit from the shell all changes made in the container are lost and you start with a clean system again.

Adding a repository for continuous building

If you want to build from one git repository repeatedly, the best way is to create a derived docker container. Simply save this code to a file called Dockerfile in an empty directory. Make sure to adjust your repositories:

FROM d-programming-gdc:build-gdc

RUN cd GDC \
    && git remote add jpf91 \
    && cd ../build-gdc-config \
    && git remote add jpf91

Then cd into the directory and build the container:

docker build  -t jpf91/build-gdc .

You can now use your container by specifying jpf91/build-gdc instead of D-Programming-GDC/build-gdc:

docker run -v /path/to/shared-dir:/home/build/shared -t jpf91/build-gdc /usr/bin/build-gdc build --toolchain=x86_64-w64-mingw32/gcc-4.9/arm-gdcproject-linux-gnueabihf --revision=V4_9:jpf91/gdc-4.9

Note: we recommend to not use a git fetch command in the Dockerfile. build-gdc updates all repositories before building, so it's not necessary. If you use git fetch in the Dockerfile and rebase your branches after the container has been built the build-gdc command might fail to update the git repository.